Private Coaching Confirmation


OK! You’ve just finished booking your first private coaching session with CBSI’s Master Coach, Clay BanksI!  Congratulations!
Sometimes nerves, fears, and anxieties can make introductions a bit intimidating. Which is why we want to do our best to ensure you’re confident to get the most out of your first CBSI experience. If you’ll be joining Clay in person, just show up early and be ready to go. If you’ll be joining online, one of the best things you can do to make an impactful first impression is to look and sound your best on the Zoom call.  

We put together this free “Effective Zoom Etiquette” mini-eCourse to help you look and perform your best during calls, meetings, and auditions! Just follow the link below, set up a free account, and enjoy this complimentary, mini-eCourse that’s sure to set you up for success! 

We’re really excited to meet you soon! 


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